Realme India is all set for the launch of the Realme 3 Pro,at Delhi University on April 22. The Realme 3 Pro launch event is set to begin at 12.30pm IST, and the company confirms it will be live streamed on the company website.
Realme chief executive officer Madhav Sheth confirmed that the upcoming Realme 3 Pro would come with a 64-Megapixel Ultra HD mode in his tweet.
"I tried using Ultra HD mode on rm3pro...Will show you the samples at launch event on 22nd April," Sheth noted in his tweet.
Realme 3 Pro
Realme 3 Pro could have Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 or Snapdragon 710 in its core with 4GB or 6GB RAM. The smartphone is most likely to come with a 6.3 or a 6.4-inch display with FHD+ resolution, protected by 2.5D curved tempered glass.The Realme 3 Pro is teased to come with features like super slo-mo, fast charging, and HyperBoost. The smartphone expected priced around Rs 15,000 to Rs 20000.