Motorola launched Moto G9 in India earlier today, with prices starting at Rs 11,499. The Moto G9 successor to the Moto G8 offers a triple rear camera setup. Motorola Moto G9 was made official on Flipkart in India. The Moto G9 also becomes the first phone in India to house a Snapdragon 622 Octa-core processor. Moto G9 will compete against the likes of Redmi Note 9 Pro, Samsung Galaxy M21, and Realme 6i. Moto G9 will go on sale starting August 31 on Flipkart.
Moto G9 will come in single, 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant. The smartphone comes in two distinct colour options — Forrest Green and Sapphire Blue. Moto G9 features a 6.5-inch HD+ display with 1600x720-pixel screen resolution with 20:9 aspect ratio and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 for protection against scratches. The Moto G9 is powered by a superior Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 processor paired with up to 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage that is expandable up to 512GB using a microSD card. Moto G9 boasts a triple camera module-- one main 48MP (with f/1.7 aperture), a 2MP Macro Vision Camera (with f/2.4 aperture) and 2MP Depth sensor backed by an LED flash and also supports Night Vision mode. On the front, it features an 8MP with f/2.2aperture. The other features that can be found on the device are dedicated Google Assistant hardware key, dual 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC, GPS, and 3.5mm headphone slot. The smartphone runs on Android 10 out of the box. The phone is packed with a 5,000mAh battery that supports 20W Turbo Charge fast charging through USB-C.
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